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the show
Thursday, September 3, 2009 3.9.09

umm.. ..UPSR is coming :O
Wish me good luck and all of the suckas will fail
Wish primary 6 of Malaysia will get striaght A's :)

Btw,Jia Sheng is going to have UPSR in the hospital!
D: It's not very good to have government to come to the hospital and,the BIG eyes starring you.
By the time you'll be feeling weak and then could not concerntrate on the exam paper.

Mom: Eat some chicken essence, you know..to have more energy and enough sleep.
Me: .. teacher said because got one year a student ate that thing and he got sick...so he got 0 for a subject or two.
Mom: omg...then eat bird nest lah!
Me: 0.0
Noooo,I'm not going to eat(even though I liked it D:)

My pusat is 616 . I've seperated with Jane(noo) and Pam ( yes!)
Even though my mum didn't force me,but I'm sure I could get all A's ( if I would stop surfing the net, XD)

But even though she didn't force me...
what happened if I failed.( this is only an example,btw,it won't happen to me,and it's not lansi/perasan.) And the i-dun-force-you mother will vanished into what-you-are-soo-dead mother.

Until next time,
just enjoy the show..

Love Game
Sunday, August 30, 2009 30.8.09

The day started off with my family and other 3 families to Tanjong Sepat.
Not cool,I was going to go there for a trip after UPSR!
Nevermind -.- Uggh.

After having breakfast,we continue our journey to Pantai Morbit.

There was a herd of cows and a lake that freak me off.
Herd of cows : They should call a herd of goats.I mean they were too thin/skinny.I can see their ribs!
A lake: which is FULL of water lilies! The whole river was white in colour :O
We then go for lunch at a beachview restaurant.
What was I thinking : The description of Port dickson essay in chinese if You wanna get A.
(a.k.a. the white sand and blue ocean)
It's full of rubbish and I saw hermit crabs. The supposed-to-be-Joyce-beautiful-imagination view was over.

After that,we went to Gano Resort,which was placed next to the Ling-Zhi Mushroom Kilang.
When we go in...the stinky mushroom smell approached us!

The GPS brought us to hai nan pao shop
Too bad for mum,the paos were sold out! Muahahaha.(ps:I'm not that evil)

After sticking in Tanjong Sepat for 1 hour,we finally and let me repeat,finally go to the beach!
My dad bought some kites for us to play.He bought himself a orange bat kite.
You're not a batman,pap.

We went home at 5.30 pm.Had dinner outside and came back to blogging!
Clicking the publish post now. =) Bye,Goodbye,tat

Let's play a love game..

Waking up in Vegas.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 26.8.09

Finally I'm back.Blame school for everything.
It's holiday (: Finally staying at home.

The lc boy just lc-ed yesterday.
I am going to answer the question when HE SNACTED MY ANSWER,so I can't sit down.Stoopig.

You should have seen the part.
Either you'll be mad or doing this

Papa is ta-pao-ing Roti canai for us.Yipeee.
Well,the day started with my message ringtone , "tunku-dyimasyah.." (japanese ringtone)
It was Wei Lee.
Too bad,it all started with yesterday...
My dad said there was a message.A FORWARD message.

a cursed message,to be exact,The ghost named enma.I was so terrified that time so I send to some of my closest friends and relatives.
The mystery is solved.
Enma is fron ANIME!The hell girl -.-" Thank god annli told me in time.
So back to Wei Lee.
I chatted with her about 30 minutes.My sister said it's annoying when the message tone start.
She then covered herself with blanket.

Yesterday I made a video of Hot N cold-Starring Tiny and Nicky.
Umm,not so good though.
Updated (:

That's what you do for waking up in vegas..

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 12.8.09

Firstly,I'm happeh. Pet Society is finally not under maintenance.
Anyway I decided to change my skin Sorry for the inconvenience that cause(which is actually nothing to you,humans.)Harhar.

I wore a mask to school today to prevent myself from getting H1N1.It's very hard to breathe,probably make me wanna vomit for example.
I thought the class might wear today,turned out (without expetation) only 6-7 people wore them.
I feel so...different.

Oh and did anyone know Hanson(li hann)sings better than wei lee(ps:don't be mad I'm just taking you as an example.)?!He sang the GanLanShu today during moosik class. TheSun laughed until the whole period.
The class stared at him.I think he's saying : wut?

Hanson is also going to take part in the singing competition. (:
just then,Carrot told HLS about Hanson singing.HLS was shocked.

Hanson then go on with the sining (:

Oh yes,credits:to carrot for wasting the time.
to hanson for singing quite long(he laughed all the way)
to mee,for nothing.
Anyway,I saw Madam Chong yesterday in a bakery.She was talking on the phone so I didn't call out for her name.. Gosh that was quite embarrasing -.-"

Nyom!I'm eating danish bread now.
Get lost H1N1!


womanizer womanizer womanizer,you're a womanizer..

If you seek Amy
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 11.8.09

Wee. Yi Ling bought me a gift.Jane said she's going to give me one,but she said the gift was ordered,so I need to wait `til next week.

Anyway,AH1N1 is getting worse.I have sore throat.

Mum:wear mask tomorrow `kay?

I'm so afraid I have.*0_0*

I'm so excited!Until I found out..
Pet society is once again under maintenance.. Shoot.
I smashed my face on the keyboard. ):
SK Taman Megah suspected one student had H1N1.
SMK BU(2) some of them maybe had H1N1.
Is yuk chai going to close?
*Yay,I can stay and home!
*Noo,It's so boring.
updated class blog during my beeday

love me,hate me,so whatcha want about me?

Thursday, August 6, 2009 6.8.09

Horray! ^^

I'm not using the on-screen keyboard anymore,yay.The reason is my sis plucked off the wire.
I hate her.Grr.

Oh anyway guess you all know is my birthday.So,my mum brought me three boxes of cupcakes to school instead of real cakes.
There's the MONSTERS one for boys,white creams and CUTE GIRLS,for girls.

Sorry for DAR ugly pictures(I wanna kill my hand phone).I was so rush.

This morning the class celebrated my beeday.Huang lao shi lighted the candles.i was hoping only 1 candle,she said 2 better.
Students must always obey the teacher or else your Moral will minus marks.LOL)

the class was preparing to sing the most traditional beeday song until,(they turned off the lights too)one of the small candles tipped over the cupcake.We panicked and shouted for Huang lao shi.
The case was over.

We ate the tiny cupcakes.Cheryl was trying to strip the paper of the cupcake,and she saw me pulling the paper to loosen it.I taught her but she's so dumb.

There's left over so Huang lao shi called us to be Miss Santa's (PS:I'mnot Santa clause's child)
and gave our other teachers some of them and for lifu,wangfu,zhenfu and mr.moon*horror music*

We didn't have the guts to give the headmatsers actually.Mdm Chong gave me RM10 to buy ice cream.I thought I'll lau sai (I ate to many cream this morning) so I just menabung it
Huang and Wang lao shi both gave me angpaus even though is not CNY.

I wanna say thanks to the class for being so sporty!Anyway,finish the cupcake.
*anything for me just throw it in the cbox*Thanks for weilee saying me raja sehari,
except I'm not married.

I was so pissed off when I found out I FORGOT TO TAKE BACK MY PAPER BAG.
You'll be like,so-what's-so-important-about-a-paper-bag face.but it contains my plants,seeds,exam and paper and MY PRESENTS!

heavy downpour,I cried.I was afraid someone might steal away.
Finally,Wang Lao Shi said she called some teacher to pick up and put on her desk.
But I have to take it myself or else tomorrow.0.0 WHAT??
I can't drive!No not that,I mean tomorrow? I even forgot if my homework is in there!

Argh. Poo myself.

Okay,pet society now.

There are two types of people in this world..

Love story

liek whoa.
help!oh god oh god !

Tomorrow is my burthhhday! Three cheers for me!

Except the part when my keyboard is spoiled! I'm using the on-screen keyboard now -.- Ugh.It's so hard and the alphabets make me dizzy.

Just now my mum came back and fetched me to +Wondermilk at D.utama to buy 3 box of cuppacakes for my classmates tomorrow. When I went to the counter,the cashier said :"RM120+". I was statulised! So you all better eat finish or else,grr...

Yesterday we went for injection.Teh-ah-yang said what's Rubella. Huang lao shi explained blablaBLAH,he said he wants to go for injection(rubella)

The class laughed.
Ended up,the injection was not pain at all.
Yesterday was ks-Jordan's 21 b'day.

For more please log on to debbie or wen's blog.

and said marry me Juliet..

I dont want to believe our romance was a mistake
People call me Joys instead of Joyce. Twelve years,eight month but 3 days to UPSR
Hate here? Teleport away!

You were scared of the words that were to come out


MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Even though my hands reach out, you seem to be fading away

Yee Ching
Jia Qi
Hui Ping
Yen Ting
An Win
Wei Lee-♥
Xin Yueh
OKJ's yt
Mua Class-♥
Kit Yi
Yee Jiun-♥
Of threes
Yu Ching

Please rewind time for us who've become like this
Layout by Joyce
Icons from cablelines